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The Fugitive Prince Page 31
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Page 31
“Where am I?”
The man chuckled bringing a small cup of water to the prince’s lips. He spoke as Valente greedily drank.
“You’re in Tharia boy. Commander Brynn will want to see you. Says you claimed to be a prince.”
The man placed the cup on the counter and took the cloth from Valente’s forehead and dipped it in a nearby bowl of water. He twisted the cloth letting the excess water pour back into the bowl.
“That was risky. You’re lucky that girl spoke so highly of you and did her best to fill in the blanks. The commander might have just sent you both back across the bridge. Even luckier he didn’t hang you on the spot for pretending, but recently our eyes are seeing a large movement of troops Lios-side. Your story might make sense.”
Valente steadied his breathing and his mind. Tent flaps billowed open as the commander marched in. The medic rushed up and saluted. The commander moved towards the cot and the prince upon it.
“Dismissed Kaiden. I’ll speak to the boy alone.”
The medic nodded as he passed through the flaps. The commander stood over Valente. His eyes looking over the prince in a mix of curiosity and intrigue before he pulled up a nearby chair and sat beside the bed.
“Valente, was it?”
The prince nodded and slowly sat up. He was ready for the spinning sensation this time. Commander Brynn took out a piece of parchment from a belt pocket and glared at it and then put his gaze on Valente.
“So, before you collapsed you were telling me you’re the prince? I’ll tell you outright that intel greatly supports that otherwise absurd claim, but I can’t be certain. Liosians are craftier every day.”
The commander leaned forward in his chair.
“If you don’t mind, I need to ask you a few questions. You hold anything back or lie I will be forced to execute you for impersonating royalty. Do you understand?”
Valente pushed himself against the pillow of the cot using it to support his unsteady self. He had gotten used to this type of conversation in Lios.
“Yes. I am aware these circumstances are highly irregular.”
The commander neatly folded the paper and tucked it into his chest pocket.
“Prince Valente was sent with an escort of a scholar named Arthan Saleris. What happened to this man?”
The prince swallowed. his nerves and nausea twisted in his voice.
“He died. Poisoned by the Iron Stars. Captain Rythor of the Iron Stars to be more precise. I was framed for his murder, so the Liosian crown could have just cause to arrest me.”
Valente bit his tongue letting the pain from it wrestle against the pain of the memory.
“Without him, I could not have escaped.”
The commander furled his brow and glared at Valente. Unease thickened the air nearly causing Valente to choke. The prince coughed. The commander gradually nodded and looked into his hands counting his fingers.
“Your friend claimed you are a witness that the Liosians will attack regardless of the Treaty of Tears?”
“Well, I-”
Valente’s mind hung on the commander’s words. One of them stood unshaken in the swirling of his mind.
“Your friend,”
Valente’s eyes darted around the tent. On the small table beside the bowl of water, there was a silver clasp. Valente’s heart leaped.
“Where is Cass?”
The commander moved back in reaction to the prince’s altered mood.
“Oh, the girl? She’s just left a bit ago. She matches no warrant in Lios or Tharia, so we let her go. Once she knew you were alright she started for Westwood. If we turned her back to the Liosians, the kindest thing they’d offer is execution. A merchant backed her story, so I didn’t have the patience to keep her. At the very least she did not claim to be royalty.”
The prince’s heart squeezed and constricted in his chest. Cass had left him. His mind ached and spun and his body shivered in a warm miasma of his sweat. Thoughts tumbled across his mind. Her words crystallized in the turmoil
“I will take you to the Tharian border.”
The promise sounded so empty and alone now that Valente was finally here. Gregor’s and Cass’s absence weighed on him more than he could bear. More than his duty. Gregor’s words dashed forward and burned in his fevered mind.
‘Tell her.’
Valente looked to the commander who raised his eyebrows at the prince.
“Are you alright? You’re sweating more. Shall I call the medic and continue this later?”
The concerned commander rose from his chair. Valente’s heart thumped. If he ran now, he might never get home. If he stayed, he would never see Cass again. Valente’s head swirled from the heat and the fever and spun from the screaming inside his heart.
My kingdom for a peasant. No she’s more.
Valente flung the blankets from his body as he launched from the bed. The commander was not ready to respond and weakly grabbed Valente’s arm to catch him. The prince yanked free as the commander stood stunned for a moment from the surge of strength. Valente met the commander’s surprised gaze.
“I’m sorry. I hope you can understand,”
Valente pushed Brynn over into the ground as he dashed out of the tent. Valente’s heart raced as it beat after the huntress.
The tents swayed and tilted around Valente as he stumbled through the soldiers and canvas. A few gave him a curious look, but in his haste, he lost their attention. From the tent he burst from, a command shouted as the march of metal awakened from the surrounding tents. The sweat soaked his shirt as it ran off his skin. The sun angrily burned at his flesh as his heart smashed itself inside his chest. Blood soaked the bandage on his arm bringing more heat to his fevered mind. The worlds seemed to quiver, shake, expand and contract all around him but that prince looked beyond it towards a line of trees. His eyes pierced the air. He scanned the horizon. The open grass and trees were devoid of what he desired. The call for his capture sounded behind him as the soldiers began to get up and mobilize. Valente set his eyes towards the end of camp. A small stable on the edge of the tents stood filled with horses. A young boy led one to a watering trough. Valente rushed and pushed the boy in the mud. The young one looked up in disbelief and slight terror. Valente leaped on the horse as he clenched the reigns his body nearly thrown off balance by his tumbling mind. He bobbed his head at the boy.
“Sorry. Royal business.”
Valente drove his heels into the horse’s rump and shot forward towards the tree line. The hasty gallop sent tremors through his mind and body driving his consciousness fainter. The prince grit his teeth into a savage grin. His heart met the steady thump of the hooves on the soil.
The drum of his chest nearly stopped as his mind cleared and focused. The fever seemed to melt away. A hooded figure with a brilliant bow and nearly empty quiver waded through the tall grass. Her thoughtful steps moved towards the dense hardwoods. Valente went to shout, but his words were lost behind him as the horse pushed onward. Valente pulled on the reins as he leaped from the saddle tumbling to the ground and through the grass. The world threatened to shatter and crumble away as he sprang to his feet and kept running. His body ached all over and his mind crawled to catch up ten paces behind him. Only his heart knew where it needed to stand. The hooded figure stopped her paces and slowly turned. Valente sprint slowed anticipating the moment as Cass turned around. The huntress’s hazel eyes exploded open wide in surprise. Her beautiful viridescent eyes were soaked with tears and cracked with red. Valente trudged towards the stunned but stunning huntress. Cass stuttered as the horse galloped past them towards the trees.
“Val what are you-”
Valente stepped closer.
“Why did you leave?”
Cass looked down to the thick blades of grass. She wiped the new tears from her eyes and then met Valente’s gaze.
“I… Val… I can’t… We can’t… I promised I’d get you here, and I have. You’re home. You don’t need me anymore. You have
your kingdom and your court and your duchess. I can’t go with you anymore. It… It all hurts too much.”
Valente pushed through the grass each of his steps closing the gap from Cass.
“Cass. You think I could just let you go?”
The huntress wildly shook her head. Free tears dripped onto her cheeks.
“I’m just me! Some commoner. You are a prince. I have no place in a court. Let alone your side. I don’t need your money or the mansion. That’s your life, and the Duchess-”
Valente stepped just an arm’s length away from Cass.
“She is nothing. Nothing anymore. I can never return to Lios or her, nor do I want to.”
Cass tried to step back. The heavy grass slowed her as she continued to deny.
“But you can’t-”
Valente reached out and tugged on Cass’s cloak pulling her into his chest. Her warmth bounced against his chest and her smell encompassed his mind. Her hands tried to push away, but her resolve melted away at the prince’s touch. Valente smiled down. He delicately wiped the tears from Cass’s face.
“Cass… I’ve spent my whole life being pushed away and treated different because I was some bargaining chip for a treaty that killed my mother. Even that Duchess treated me like I was her prized dog. A playful pet. You…”
Valente rest his thumb on Cass’s cheek softly massaging it as he spoke,
“You brought me hope, you gave me inspiration, you made the cold burn away, you saved me from the Liosian life I so desperately hated and…”
Cass pulled her head side to side against Valente’s hand.
“You can’t.”
Valente pulled her even closer.
Cass blinked back the stream of tears.
“Everyone I have ever loved has left me. I rather leave than lose you.”
Valente gaze crashed against the huntress. Her tears shimmered in the sun. Her golden hair was no longer braided ran down her elegant shoulders. Free of the braid and her sorrow, she was gorgeous. Valente tenderly smiled as he placed his other hand behind Cass’s cheek bringing their faces close,
“Let’s change that.”
Valente lowered his lips and pulled Cass as close as their bodies would allow. Their lips met in a noble embrace. The gentle collision sparked a tingling warmth through both of their bodies. Valente’s fever gave up trying to contest. Cass’s fear abandoned its cause. Their hearts beat in unison. Time stretched to a near infinite point. Valente took his lips away to breathe. Cass followed after him refusing to break the searing connection. The second kiss burned as warmly on their lips as the first had. Valente could not help as his smile threw itself boldly onto his face. Cass opened her tearful eyes and leaped into Valente’s arms embracing him in her entirety. Valente’s recovering body collapsed into the grass with the huntress. She spoke into his chest.
“Valente. I… I love you. I’m sorry I-”
Valente moved his arm down and placed a finger on Cass’s lips.
“You’ve said all I ever need to hear.”
Cass wrapped around Valente’s neck as she pulled him up into for another passionate kiss. The prince did not dare resist. They held each other in the grass locked deeply in each other’s arms. For this moment, the world’s shine seemed brighter.
The thump of hooves brought Valente and Cass back from their paradise. Valente pushed himself from the ground. He wavered for a moment as he stood. He helped Cass up. Mounted Tharian soldiers rode with prepared weapons. Valente kneeled and put his hands above his head in surrender as he smirked at Cass.
“I may be in trouble.”
Cass kneeled beside him her heart triumphantly beating in her chest. She kissed his cheek.
“We usually are.”
The soldiers dismounted around them while Valente and Cass got lost in each other’s eyes.
The commander marched through the tent flaps.
“Are you crazy? You had my men hunt you down because of some common woman?”
The angered commander paced in front of Valente who was restrained to the tent pole. Valente nodded.
“I’m sorry, but… I had to.”
The commander looked Valente in the eyes. He broke contact as he angrily sat in the chair in front of the prince.
“Well. For some damn reason, I have to believe you. I have half the mind to flay then hang you for pushing a commanding officer, but you’re damn lucky someone vouched for you. You’re even luckier he saw you dashing for the horses when you made your mad run. I don’t know why he would either. Most merchants never like to approach guards. Especially after we gave him a massively rough time for rushing through our gate with a cart spilling iron all over the place.”
The commander stood up and held back the tent flaps. A small merchant nervously smiled. The small emblem of the Tharian Trading guild embossed his chest. His eyes looked at the prince as he eagerly nodded and pointed at Valente.
“That’s him. He and the girl saved me. He fits the description given by the Lios guards. At least you can’t ignore their claim.”
The commander gave a stern nod to the guards as they escorted the merchant away. Letting go of the tent flap, the commander took out a knife and knelt down beside Valente. He bounced the knife in his hands valuing its weight.
“Well. Forgive me if I don’t bow, but for now, we’ll get you a king‘s audience. We can’t risk hanging the actual prince if you’re telling the truth. At the very least, the king is the only one who can reliably confirm who you are. He’ll decide if you’re an imposter or not.”
Brynn cut the ropes and picked Valente up to his feet with his firm grip.
“We have a caravan heading north by midday. You’ll be on there… along with your muse.”
The commander turned to leave and stopped between the entrance’s canvas. His hand lingered on the tent flap as he looked into the sunlight.
“It’s good to have you back.”
The Northern road was like a long, swirling dream. The small cart offered little cushioning, but its comfort was more luxury than Valente had experienced in a long while. The escort was more than courteous offering Valente and Cassandra any help they needed during the journey. Whether the commander told them to treat them this way, or they believed their beloved prince had returned was not certain. Valente was more than thankful. The open fields of long grass and the bustling farms occupied the stony roadside. Many farmers came and waved at the Tharian escort. A few of them spreading rumors among themselves about the passengers in the cart. The prince could not help but smile.
It’s wonderful.
Though in this happy moment, a twisting twinge of sorrow tugged on Valente’s heart. His smile could never quite do the red-bearded giant justice. The prince clenched his teeth and closed his eyes. The swinging weight of his burdens threw his thoughts into motion.
Gregor. Elan. Bellie. Arthan.
Valente swallowed back his tears and cleared his throat free of the clinging loss.
Thank you.
His eyes fell to the huntress by his side. His smile perked up once again.
Cassandra of Riverpeek.
Thank you.
Tharia proved beautiful and her people were a welcome and pleasant sight. Among those tending the fields, a small elderly pulled herself from the wheat she shucked. Her eyes were glued to the young man in the cart. Valente met her eyes and the old lady’s face sparked with joy. She threw aside her large hat. Many of the workers watched her strange action. She kneeled onto the dirt and bowed deeply to Valente. The act was not missed by the escort and those in the fields.
The few days passed by and morphed into what felt like mere hours. A calm stone road, the freedom from fear, and the warmth of a beautiful huntress that slept on his chest: it was peace. Valente brushed her hair aside looking down at her resting face. He smiled while the sleeping huntress nuzzled herself unknowingly closer. The pain in his bandaged arm forgot
its purpose in her presence. Valente’s eyes hopefully drifted north towards the mighty walls he once knew as a child. The capital and fortress of Tharia: Odehelm. The dark grey walls held numerous years of honor and tradition within its ageless stones. Valente could do nothing but grin as he took it in. The pride cheered in his chest.
I’m home.
Valente brought his head high letting the blue of the sky match his eyes. A dazzle caught its edge forcing him to raise a shielding hand. Nestled among the white fluffs of clouds, a small star glowed nearly as bright as the sun. The Star of the Seven shimmered down at the prince. Valente lowered his hand letting himself bask in the little light. Something about it made it glow brighter. Perhaps it was the sight of his homeland, perhaps it was the favor the gods must have granted him to make it this far, perhaps it was the cute commoner snuggled in his lap, or maybe it was the bright streak of fiery red that smiled down at him.
Words sparked young rumors that sprout out like wildfire and much faster than the cart itself. The roads, streets, and alleyways bustled with curious citizens. Some interested in the market stalls and their daily tasks were pulled away by the one cart parade. Even the escort of guards carried themselves higher as though they actually were delivering a prince back to their people. A handful of murmurs rose among the rabble that roamed the Tharian streets.
“Is that him?”
“Don’t be silly. The treaty forbids it. Our king would never allow it.”
“Maybe you’re right, but those blue eyes…”
The cart’s wheels struck the cobbled road. Cass leapt awake at the new intrusion of sound. Valente caught her shoulder and steadied the huntress with a light chuckle.
“We’re here.”
Cass relaxed into her prince’s arms. She excitedly took in the city streets. A gang of children skipped beside the cart racing it to the archway of the castle. One child stopped to stare passed the guards at the passengers. A young girl stepped on her happy tiptoes. She peeked over the guard’s armor to wave at the huntress. Cass smiled and waved back. Valente laughed and pushed back a strand of her golden hair to better view her face.